Webby's Revelation - Disney TVA - (Drama, Emotional Storytelling)
This episode was the series finale of DuckTales and the section that I storyboarded had one of the most important story reveals of all three seasons. I was given the difficult task of revealing that Webby is a clone of Scrooge McDuck. It was very important to get the emotions of the scene

correct since the information changes EVERYTHING that Webby thought to be true. Webby had to experience so many complicated feeling including, sadness, wonder, incredulousness, and then pride with this emotional rollercoaster of a scene. It was a heavy lift, but I am very proud of our final product and I think the success of the scenes storyboarded added to the heart and fantastic storytelling that fans of the show continue to enjoy.
** My storyboard pro files for my DuckTales work were lost in an unfortunate hard drive incident, so I am presenting the final animation of the sections I storyboarded

Glomgold's "Son" - Disney TVA - (Comedy)
In this episode, I had to storyboard a bit where Louie tries to expose that Glomgold's "son" is really just a ventriloquist dummy. Again, I love making Glomgold look like a fool so I had a great time finding ways to show his incompetence and stupidity in this truly bizarre situation.

Scrooge McDuck's Funeral - Disney TVA - (Drama, Comedy)
For this episode, I was responsible for storyboarding Scrooge McDuck's funeral. Luckily, the story reveals that Scrooge is not dead, but we had to present a "bait & switch" to the audience so that they didn't get ahead of the story. I chose to push the melancholy and sadness at the top of the scene as much as I could so that the comedy hits harder when Glomgold enters to gloat to everyone about beating Scrooge. Finding ways of making Glomgold look like an idiot was one of my favorite aspects of working on this show.

More Money, More Problems - Disney TVA - (Action)
This episode was the penultimate climax of our season 2 story arc where we find that Louie has tricked Scrooge into transfering all of Scrooge's wealth, thus becoming the richest duck in the world. However, a magical zombie like creature is cursed to chase and destroy the richest duck in
the world, so we find that Louie has bitten off more than he can chew. This sequence was difficult in the fact that so much carnage happens in such a small section of Duckburg. However, we utilized broken buildings, flipped cars, and other things to corner Louie to push the sense of danger and drama until he eventually finds humility, thus breaking the curse.

The Trickening - Disney TVA - (Horror, Drama)
In our Halloween/Horror episode, the kids explore a creepy haunted house in order to find Dewey, who has gone missing. I wanted to push the scary factor as much as I could so I researched tons of cinematic language from classic horror films like Friday the 13th, The Ring and The Conjuring and then applied those storytelling techniques to my work. I think it paid off pretty well. I always love tackling a new genre or storytelling style by researching and picking apart what works and what doesn't for the feel that we are looking for.