Battle Against Fantos - Netflix - (Action)
In our climactic season 3 Boss Battle, we had to show how our characters outsmart our main villain, Fantos. There were a lot of moving parts and a head-scratching amount of movement to this fight sequence. It was difficult to keep everything straight on from a story perspective, but I love deciphering the best way to clearly show a fight in the most entertaining way possible.

Papa G's Death - Netflix - (Drama, Emotional Storytelling)
This was a very difficult scene to storyboard because it includes the death of one of the main and most beloved characters of the series. Papa G is Kid Cosmic's grandfather and caretaker, but while looking for a way to defeat the villain, Fantos, Papa G is crushed by a rock slide. Kid tries to dig through the rubble to find his grandfather and begins remembering the fraught circumstances that brought them together so many years ago. It was a very emotionally demanding scene because we had to show the love that Kid has for Papa G. I drew on the love and admiration that I have for my own grandfather while working on it, and subsequently, this scene is one of the favorite things I've done in my career.

Heist of Fire and Ice - Netflix - (Drama, Action)
This was one of the most complicated storylines that I have ever storyboarded. It was a "heist episode" where our heroes had to work together and use their special powers to steal the "Fire & Ice" power stones from the two-headed intergalactic mob boss, Fiosa. Each part of the heist's plan had to be established clearly and then visually executed without being confusing. I love "Ocean's 11" style storytelling, so this was a fun challenge to take on.

Planet Killer's Arrival - Netflix - (Drama, Cinematic Storytelling)
In this clip, we have a nice little dialogue scene between Papa G and Flo relating on how hard it is to parent children. Their conversation is interrupted by a flash of light and a giant planet-killing planet teleporting through an enormous portal on a collision course with our main characters at their intergalactic truckstop. Our showrunner, Craig McCracken really wanted the moment to feel powerful and frightening so I pushed the scale and camera angles as much as I could to get a sense of hopelessness from our characters in the face of such an overwhelming foe.